

致Kg Folk 兄:

汗颜之作承蒙阁下如此错爱,本人深感荣幸。 兄台亲自到“寒舍”,留言交待小生特地以中文点评贵作。晚生文笔浅薄之至,但阁下盛意拳拳,唯有恭敬不如从命,斗胆献丑。

兄台自小学后,就没有书写任何中文文章。贵笔尘封数十寒暑,如今,再度执笔,开山之作能有此功力,实属难得! 此外,阁下言道“不敢忘本”,炎黄之孙本就应以博大精深的中华文化为傲。兄长如此胸怀,好生令人敬佩!

阁下曾言道,文笔不能随心所欲,自由发挥,还盼像小生般随心书写任何中文文章。个中原因莫过于兄台一直都是以英文写作。而英文和中文本身就存有很大的文化差异。 阁下英文文笔之锋锐,咄咄逼人之势,本人有幸领教。但在挥笔书写中文时,兄台所面对的问题是找不到合适的表达和修饰词语。这是长时期不书写中文所带来的困惑。

表达同一个意思,中文有多种词语和方式。 纵然意思相同,但每个词汇却能带来不同的意境。差之毫厘,谬以千里。中文之变化远非直接了当的英文所能比。

中文有不同的文体,如白话、古白话、古文言、诗词和歌赋。如今,一般人都喜欢用白话作为文体。 如能在白话文章内加入古白话、古文言、成语、谚语和广为人知的中华历史元素,文章的吸引力定能更上一层楼。其实,本人自幼热爱古典名著和神州历史,所以在书写中文时,一般都喜好引用名句精华。读书破万卷,下笔如有神,果然是至理名言!此乃小生写作的心得,特此与君分享。

以上所言,纯属愚见。 文笔若有冒犯处,敬请海涵!文笔小功夫,容人大丈夫!共勉之!


2009年9 月12日

9 条评论:

  1. 健達,關於BUKIT KOMAN山埃採金,我希望你以英文為這事情說話。

  2. 谢谢你们关心BUKIT KOMAN山埃採金事件。这个10月17号在劳勿有一个千人中秋晚宴,希望你们能参加,详情请参阅 -


  3. Hi Ken Tatt,

    I am so astounded that you could make use of my request giving comments on my articles in Chinese to write a special and marvellous article here for me. This article of yours is indeed a dish fit for the Gods!

    You are a prodigy and your Chinese articles are terrific and full of splendid expressions, be they classical or modern. You have shown your profound know-how in the language and you are really superb in using a glamorous ways to link famous quotations and expressions to form a beautiful piece of write-up. I just made a simple request, but your return is so meaningful and touching. You are indeed a wonderful young man, full of enthusiasm and love for mankind. What I can infer here is that you are a very sincere person and you have a nice character as sweet as honey. I really must kowtow to you. You have allured me to treat you as a sifu. Trivially, due to my poor command in Chinese Language, I can’t be your disciple who has to help you to spread the knowledge, but I hope you don’t mind to accept me as your tutee so that I can learn Chinese Language from you. Till now, you should believe that I am as keen as mustard to learn Chinese Language!

    You said that: “表达同一个意思,中文有多种词语和方式。 仲然意思相同,但每个词汇却能带来不同的意境。差之毫厘,谬以千里。中文之奥妙远非直接了当的英文所能比。”

    I do agree with what you said in the first half of this part. Yes, Chinese Language is a wonderful language. A single word can be used in many different contexts, and when it’s joined to different words, the meaning can alter entirely. It’s not easy, at times, to find a single equivalent word in other languages having exact meaning as a particular Chinese word. That makes translation of Chinese articles or books to other languages hard to accomplish!

    English Language has its own beauty and uniqueness. It’s more of a ‘growing’ language and has ‘borrowed’ and embedded a number of words or expressions from other languages since English till now is still the most widely used universal language. Like Chinese Language, it has many beautiful idiomatic and figurative expressions like idioms, proverbs, similes etc. Once in a blue moon, I do use idiomatic or figurative expressions, but not often in articles on serious topics like the ones in my blog. It’s an unwritten rule in English to avoid using flowery and figurative expressions in writing articles concerning serious issues as they may carry ambiguous meanings to some of the readers whose grasp of the language is not so strong. Nevertheless, it’s inevitable to use certain words or expressions, which at times seem bombastic, to strengthen the substance as such words or expressions are more apt than other commonly used words.

    Sorry, I daren’t reply here in Chinese. If I were to do so, I may only express my whole idea in a short paragraph, which definitely cannot include all my thoughts, but then, if you have a chance to have a chat with me personally, I believe I would be able to have a very fluent conversation with you in Chinese, except my pronunciations may be a little different from the present ones.

    Thanks again for taking great pain to write such a wonderful and unique article here. Your effort is very much appreciated and you deserve a treat from me.

    Wish you As Happy As Larry forever.

    (Note: Sifu and tutee have been accepted as ‘imported’ words from Chinese.)

  4. eddieliow..17-10-2009晚宴,要安排時間看能去嗎。

  5. 希望你们能够参加,顺便交流一下,到时见。

  6. Ken Tatt,
    I had put up your article here as a post in my blog, please check.

  7. 那么绝对的断定我会就这小事情发脾气,



  8. 喜悅和自由是你的本質



